Frustrated by last nights camera failure, I decided it was time to mess with the settings and see if I could figure out something. This camera had to be able to do a better job. I read some threads on TMP and followed some suggestions there.
I brought a florescent desk lamp out to provide better lighting. I also removed the white background. Normally, I paint with black primer. I figure the white primed models on a white background was a recipe for disaster. I set the camera to its lowest ISO setting. I played with the white balance until it looked right. Then there was an exposure option with 3 settings. I didn’t know what they meant, but that’s not the kind of thing that would stop me. :) The first two, of course, didn’t help much. On the third, a neat little thing happened, no idea what it’s purpose was, but a little cursor went tracing around the models when I held the button down to focus. I let it run around for a little bit and then took the picture. I am guessing it was doing some kind of range finding to determine distance to the models. That’s my guess anyways. Here are the results:

I brought a florescent desk lamp out to provide better lighting. I also removed the white background. Normally, I paint with black primer. I figure the white primed models on a white background was a recipe for disaster. I set the camera to its lowest ISO setting. I played with the white balance until it looked right. Then there was an exposure option with 3 settings. I didn’t know what they meant, but that’s not the kind of thing that would stop me. :) The first two, of course, didn’t help much. On the third, a neat little thing happened, no idea what it’s purpose was, but a little cursor went tracing around the models when I held the button down to focus. I let it run around for a little bit and then took the picture. I am guessing it was doing some kind of range finding to determine distance to the models. That’s my guess anyways. Here are the results:
